
With a land as varied as a Human Spirit, there is no better place to connect and communicate with your Four Sacred Bodies than Hawai’i Island.

** As Pele is a living, active volcano, you can never 100% guarantee anything on the island. So let’s just say, that if our location is no longer available, we will find another equally suitable accommodation to replace it.

Your co-hosts have chosen a magical location immersed in the watery depths of the Sacred Feminine. You will explore, nurture, and submerge yourself at the Mermaid Dreams Bed & Breakfast.

There is a maximum of 8 participants on this 4 day retreat. The accommodations are quiet, intimate spaces. Depending on the number of participants, you will be likely be sharing accommodation with one other person (maximum.)

From this quiet, private oasis 20 minutes outside of Kona, you will swim, relax, journey to Sacred Sites on day excursions and get your foundational teachings of the Four Sacred Bodies.



*** Some of these locations will be private, quiet, and cozy, which means we will not be sharing the resort with other groups, but you will most likely be sharing accommodations with one other person.



The 4-day Retreat for 2020 pricing is $1499.00 with a minimum of 5 people.

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only 8 spaces available