Let Those Energies Create Space

Grandmother Wind is writing after a little hiatus with some new experiences and insights to share. I have been on a hiatus from you here, but certainly not on a hiatus from life and commitments. Life doesn’t stop, does it? Our loved ones and our beloved jobs still require us to show up fully - regardless of how tired we may be or how anxious we may be feeling.
You may expect the Patchwork Grandmothers to say, “Slow down. Take care of yourself.” Which of course is true. But today, they are sending out a different message. One that reminds us:

  • to honour whatever we are going through at whatever moment we happen to notice.

  • that nothing is given to us that we can’t handle.

  • to tune in and pay attention.

Their message today is: Let those Energies Create Space.
As the world speeds along, are you running to catch up?
Are you dancing in a mess of chaos?
Good.  Let’s assume it’s not a bad thing.
That's definitely a good thing.

What if the Grandmothers are saying…the speeding up effect is to knock the “same-old, same-old” pattern off its course. When you are running to catch up, you can’t be circling the same old track you have always travelled, can you? The rut in the road is washed away by the tidal wave of emotions, experiences, ideas, commitments, and surprises that come your way instead. That’s definitely a good thing.
It may seem overwhelming, and your energy levels might be all over the place. But let the new, uncluttered path in front of you soothe you.
If nothing is familiar – then nothing is boring.
If nothing is repetitive – then no old patterns are tripping you up.
Notice that All is new.
All is open to your highest potential.
There is brand new Space within you that wasn’t there before.
Nothing new can be born without clearing some of the old. That is what the speed, chaos and busyness are helping to create in your life. SPACE.
Take a moment to notice the new space WITHIN you. You may not feel it outside, but see what’s happening on the inside.
The more space you open up, the more connected to Creation you feel.

I love you.