Silent No More Single Release

Silent No More encourages all of us to end the silence around violence against women and children.

On March 2nd, 2018, my new single, Silent No More, hits the airwaves!

Add your voice to the conversation to stop the violence.

Its been a whirlwind, but I've managed to record, design, upload and harness all the flying pieces to release our brand new song, Silent No More on our release date: March 2, 2018.

During the writing process for my TEDx Stanley Park talk on March 3, 2018, I discovered that my topic was taking me in an unexpected direction. Who knew that I would be breaking my own silence and talking about:

Violence against women silences too many voices in our society.

I didn't have a song that dealt with this particular topic. And I needed one.

When I got the "download" of lyrics to a new song, I could feel the rightness of it and the perfect alignment with purpose. As usual, when that inspiration happens, I called my long-time collaborator and best friend, Robert Walsh, and said, "We have to write a song over Christmas!"

So in the last 5 weeks, we did it! Robert managed to create a fantastic arrangement in time for me to fly to Edmonton and record the vocals. He worked at the speed of light and truly is a one-man-band on this recording. Robert played his usual guitar tracks, but he also played percussion, keys, pads, and every instrument you hear on the song. He is amazing.

We recorded tons of back up vocals to make it sound like a "billion voices soar...". I am also grateful to these great artists: Rhonda Trodd, Lana Walsh, Robert Walsh (again), Jenifer Brousseau, Beverley Elliott, Zoe Fenster, Mark Fenster (for your studio too), Greg Coyes, and Ray Thunderchild.

Robert mixed the song. And we got our friend, Jeff Wolpert, from Desert Fish, to do the mastering.

My friend, Carmel Ecker, designed the Silent No More logo and totally captured the feel of women breaking their silence.

Soon it will be YOUR turn to add your voice to the chorus. Sing with us and help END violence against women.

Watch for the release on iTunes and Spotify.

Silent No More
By Andrea Menard, Robert Walsh (c) 2018

I have been keeping another man's sins
Paying a price for my silence
Afraid to speak out. Just a voice in the wind
Still I must rise in defiance
I can hear Mother Nature sing her song
Calling my voice to sing along 

When birds of a feather
Sing and take wing together
A murmur becomes a roar
When one plus a billion voices soar
There can be silence no more
I can be silent no more 

A rainbow of people walk on this earth
Too many suffer in silence
Let's rally compassion, and courage and worth
With one voice we can overcome violence
Can you hear Mother Nature sing her song
Calling your voice to sing along 

When birds of a feather, 
Sing and take wing together
A murmur becomes a roar
When one plus a billion voices soar
There can be silence no more
We will be silent no more
I will be silent no more 

Silent no more Silent no more
Silent no more Silent no more
Silent no more
I can hear you, I can hear you
Silent no more
I can hear you, I can hear you
Silent no more
I can hear you, I can hear you 

When one plus a billion voices soar
There can be silence no more
I can be silenced no more
I will be silent no more