I am a sensitive individual and its no secret that the Music Messengers was born to satisfy a need within me to build a gentler world where the noise level of our 21st century lifestyle is turned down a notch or two. Or three. And the subject matter of our thoughts, and musical creations, is dialled a degree or two towards the sunshine.
We have reached the highest point of chaos and I’m encouraging the pendulum to swing back the other way, at least back to centre.
Why have we grown so accustomed to loud music? When did it become acceptable to shout to be heard in retail shops, in restaurants, or even walking down a busy street?
Are we so afraid of the silence that we’ve lost our ability to sit in it?
Ordinary levels of sound have been increasing as the years go by and our sensitivity to those levels has also been increasing. When a highly sensitive person has to go out and face those over-amplified shops, the frustration overwhelms them.
Silence is not something you can wish into existence in the face of noise. Sound is like light. It reaches outward and claims the space around it. When it comes to Light invading the darkness, most people agree this is a positive event. A transformation of some kind. But it is not so with sound. Sound invading the silence is not considered a positive phenomenon to those looking through the same glasses. It is the opposite. Sound hinders the ability to enter the inner worlds where transformation happens. Silence encourages it.
What can a sensitive person do? What can one person do?
Well, one person can hide away from the world and never shop again. They can go to natural settings and stay there. They can where earplugs wherever they go. But that is not realistic. Those on a spiritual journey are not meant to hide away from their world, they are here to be in it and transform it if they choose. And I guess I choose to change it.
Are we so afraid of silence, we’ve forgotten how to be in it?
As spiritual women and men on a journey of self-responsibility and self-evolution, we are not interested in being that person who goes around telling people to “turn down that racket!” Our reaction to the noisy environment is our own and if others are happy in that same environment, then they deserve their happy experience as well. The trouble with focusing on all those shops and restaurants that irritate our quiet sensibilities, is that we bring the irritation more into our experience. It is the law of attraction at work in a way we don’t want.
What can we focus on instead?
We can focus on the gratitude we feel for those establishments out there who ARE turning down their music and creating gentle, soothing spaces for their customers. And there are many of them. Because many business owners are like us, and require peace for themselves. These establishments are bold and are worthy of my praise. And I want to THANK those establishment somehow.
Why don’t we do just that? Why don’t we create a little “Thank You” card for turning their music down and creating a “vibrationally-friendly” atmosphere for their clients.
So I did it! A friend of mine helped me create a sweet little card called the ShhMuse Approval card.
It looks something like this:
shhMuse Card of Thanks
We’d like to thank you for playing “Vibrationally-Friendly” music in your establishment today!
The music was:
__ a) played at a nice, soft volume;
__ b) joyful and tended to have a positive message;
__ c) soothing;
__ d) all of the above
A group of highly sensitive individuals who tend to be over-stimulated in our beautiful, loud world, have decided to make a point of sending people like YOU a token of our deepest gratitude.
This little card means….we love you for making our world a gentler place.
You are officially ShhMuse Approved! Thank you!
What do you think? I’m going to carry them around and when I have been blessed with a soothing sound experience, I will pass one on to the owner. Simple as that!
Who takes the time to honour the quiet ones?
Doesn’t the saying go…”the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Well…not any more! Today, I encourage you to grease up the beautiful sensitive types who create lovely spaces for people like you and me.
Let’s thank them for helping create a quieter world. One step at a time. One step at a time.
Take the time to honour the quiet ones.